Thursday, June 29, 2006

100th Post!!

Ok this is my 100th post so I thought I'd share 100 three letter words, why three letter words you ask? Cause it's more than two and less than four...

the, you, too, she, poo, pee, tee, fir, doe, foe, zit, pit, tit, mit, lit, wit, bit, hit, ear, tea, wee, goo, who, dew, sew, pot, not, bot, rot, cot, jot, vex, tic, pin, win, cod, nod, ask, bar, tar, jar, far, pat, rat, mat, eye, ewe, zap, tap, lap, nap, yap, red, pod, say, nay, way, pay, hey, lay, hey, cut, nut, but, rue, cue, jew, new, sir, our, use, wet, bet, set, met, pet, get, net, let, ass, ate, toy, boy, joy, soy, coy, wow, now, yow, pow, dow, doe, zoo, liu, cat, hat, dot, tin, gin, sin!

And there you have it! 100 three letter words...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Spiderman 3

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sleemans Ass Crap Beer

Now that the summer is here, you may find yourself sitting around, thirsty and salivating for the crisp cool taste of barley and hops...

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT get this beer...

It's gross...I usually love Sleeman's beer, but it's like they decided, "Hey! Other people make gross beer, we should too! Obviously there's a market for it!" So here we have Sleemans Silver Creek, I think it may be a brother to Coors Light but without the fun commercials.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


This add is awesome...

Check it...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Mr T

If you're wondering how you can spice up your wardrobe, this video may be for you! Mr T has some very insightful things to say about fashion...

Friday, June 16, 2006

Hung Over...

I was surfing and through one of those clicks of a click of a click, stumbled upon an old co-worker's short film that he had done with some friends. Monkey was a director of mine on a whole bunch of TV shows at Mainframe, good guy and fun to work with. I hope he doesn't mind that I post this link on my blog, but it's a cool little short so I thought I'd share...

Hung Over

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Ok, so my favorite author, Neil Gaiman wrote a book called Coraline. It's more of a kids book than his usual stuff, but it doesn't hold back on the strange and fanciful ideas or situations that he puts his characters in. It reminds me of those weird and creepy Roald Dahl books we used to read as kids, books that creeped you out but you couldn't stop.

Anyhow, Buckley forwarded me this picture and I almost lost my mind...


The director for the film version is Henry Selick, and I don't know if you remember this little film he did a while back called "A Nightmare Before Christmas" but with him involved I've got my hopes up that it's going to be fantastic!!

Helping along with Co-Direction is Mike Cachuela who was the storyboard artist for another little movie called The Incredibles!!

OH. MY. GOD. is right...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Funniest thing I've ever seen....

This video needs no explanation...just sit back and enjoy...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Wicked Animated Short!!

Ok, there are some small co-incidences here! In film school I did my project on this Gorilla that finds a music box in the sand, and our group project consisted of a cube that landed on a planet of spheres and tried to take over!

So here we have a cube that lands on a planet with a monkey and much mayhem ensues!

Cube...monkey...gorilla...spheres...hmmmm....I should sue...except this short is WAY better than either of those projects that I did 10 years ago...


Thursday, June 08, 2006


Monday, June 05, 2006

Just a heads up...

...I got my brown belt the other day, so all you crazy mo-fos better step off if you know what's good for you! HEEYA!!

Just kidding, I love all humans even crazy ones...