Thursday, December 29, 2005


I've posted a lot of pictures from my christmas holidays on my Flickr Site for those who wanna check em out.

Here is one of my favorites, this is on the way up to Big White.

First Place!

My dad did the lights of his house up like crazy this year! He did it up so crazy that he won first place in all of Lake Cowichan! Awesome work dad, now that you have a fan-base you're going to have to out-do yourself next year.
Here's a pic of the lights.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Jeero Has a Suprise Guest

Jeero was tired and he was getting ready for bed, but then there was a knock on the door! Who could that be Jeero thought!?!


By gum!! It was his cousin Beero, with Jeeros favorite beer Alexander Keiths!! "I've come with beer to bring christmas cheer!!" Said Beero.


This night just got a whole lot better, thought Jeero!


Right away Jeero cracked open a cold one! This is the life thought Jeero!!


Then Jeero ran up the christmas tree and poked his head out. "Look how small you are from up here Beero!! Shouted Jeero.


Beero told Jeero he was acting crazy and to get down from there! So Jeero climbed down and hugged a present. "I love you present." said Jeero to the present.


Then Jeero ran over to and told Beero how much he loved him. Beero was no-where near as drunk as Jeero. What a light-weight thought Beero.


Then Jeero said "I can hangsh upshide downs, wansha see?"


"That's impossible silly Jeero!" replied Beero.




"Holy Crap would you look at that?!!" said Beero.


Then the night started to get a little fuzzy for Jeero.


Suddenly he felt ill, so he made a mad dash for the bathroom, poor Jeero.


Well, thought Beero, I don't think Jeero will be using his bed tonight, and I'm tired. So Beero fell asleep with a smile on his face dreaming of women and booze.


"Please God, end this misery!" Jeero thought as he hugged the toilet bowl, while everything faded to black.


Merry Christmas from Jeero and Beero!

Monday, December 19, 2005

King Kong!

So I saw King Kong for a second time tonight, and I have to say that it was WAY better the second time. A lot of the time I see crazy 'visual effects' movies with a bunch of my peers, and I have to admit that because we are all a lot closer to the film industry than your average Joe, we feel that it gives us the power to be really hard on movies like King Kong. However I think we sometimes forget that all a movie is, is something to entertain us and maybe once in a while give us a moral or something to think about, that's it. There's no special movie that's going to whisk us away into the land of Never-never and change our lives forever. Granted there is a whole whack of crap movies out there to learn 'what not to do film-making' from, but King Kong definately isn't one of them.

The first time I saw it, I was in 'lets tear this appart' mode, because I knew there would be discussion afterwards with my friends, so I needed some ammo! You know like, wow that shot with the jumping guy onto the rocks looked like crap, or I felt the pacing here could have been better or they could have cut some out here. So I wasn't absorbing it as a movie, more watching it like a judge at the Olympics or something.

Well after seeing it with my girlfriend, away from visual effects and movie making judgement, my thoughts about King Kong are this; it's a great story that holds up all the way through. It's really long though and at points feels that way, but the action is great so who cares I definately got my moneys worth. Also, some say that Peter Jackson was wanking the visual effects all over the place, but come on, when I go to watch a movie, I want to be entertained, I want to see crazyness, and I did. It had awesome creatures, wicked scenes, and in the end I empathized with Kong and Ann and therefor, I was sold! I believed for the hour and a half that Kong was onscreen that he was a living breathing 25 foot gorilla, and that's all I needed.

I know now that you can make a wank off visual effects based movie with emotion and story in it. I did some quick calculations here on my computer to help directors obtain the level of emotion that is needed for todays audiences to buy into, these are the equations I came up with...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Big Fish!

Looks like they caught a really big fish in the water where it was swimming.


Check it here.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Gameboy Micro!!!

Check out what I won at my staff Christmas party, a Gameboy Micro!! Thanks guys you rock, this thing rules! It's so small seriously, you could almost cover it entirely with a bank-card. Now if only they made Tetris for it.

The future is all around us people! It's everywhere!!!!!

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Useless Information Warning!

Ok, this is a random post, but apparently in Antarctica the Adelie Penguin females are floozies. They go out, leaving their lifelong mate for a night, and find single male penguins to 'copulate' with in exchange for stones to build their nests.

Just a little heads up for all you useless information junkies...

The Light Version
The Heavy Version

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Simpsons

Dear Grim Reaper,

The Simpsons are on FOX in case you somehow forgot to put them on your list of things to do.

Remember a day when the Simpsons was funny. Last night I found myself watching TV flicking through the channels, and I stumbled across a new Simpsons episode. I thought to myself, my god I haven't watched a Simpsons episode in so long! So I put down the remote, grabbed a cup of hot toddy, and relaxed into my chair. Quickly thereafter I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

My friends, the Simpsons need to be put down, like Old Yeller. Actually not really like Old Yeller cause Old Yeller was crazy and frothing at the mouth (and in a way that's more of a metaphor for how it used to be), no more like a very sick old kitty cat or something. So sick that's it's really just mean to keep it suffering that way.

The snappy jokes and witty satire seem to be gone and we're just left with a laugh maybe every 10 minutes and it's a cheap laugh, more like a chuckle. Remember when you'd turn on an episode and you'd laugh almost the entire way through, outloud, instead of those little internal shoulder shrug chuckles??

Don't you love how the internet makes you feel like you should be voicing your opinion on inane pointless subjects that no-one could give a crap about?! Ah, bless the internet.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Misty Photoshoot!

Bonnie and I went out and shot some pics at Centenial Beach in Ladner. Took quite a few pics but I'm not happy with a lot of them, the light left us rather fast and I didn't have my handy tripod with me. Ah well, it was super fun anyhow.

Thought I'd post my favorite pic of the day.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Just lettin' everyone know that I have a Flickr account where I'll be posting more of my pics.

Jeero and Daves Wild Adventure!

Today Jeero and Dave hung out! Jeero was so happy!
And so was Dave!
They are like two peas in a pod.

Dave showed Jeero a Dog!

He was a goofy dog, Jeero thought.

Then Dave showed Jeero a bird!

Jeero likes birds.

Then Jeero told Dave that he could hang upside down!! Dave didn't believe him...

But that Jeero sure showed Dave!

Then something caught Jeeros eye!

A band on the waterfront!! They were playing Jeeros favorite song, Hells Bells, it was a lovely rendition of an old classic Jeero thought.

Then Dave watched as Jeero left for his home in the bushes. Goodbye friend, thought Dave.

Aaah Home! Jeero didn't even miss Dave and he kind of felt bad. Then he forgot all about it as he nestled into his leafy branch and twig home. Jeero thinks he needs a new home.


Peanut Butter Pie

Ok, I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you this but it's so fantastic and easy that I have to share it with the world! Or at least the 2 people that look at my Blog. I'm posting here how to make the easiest and best tasting pie in the world!

1 Cup Smooth Peanut Butter
4 Cups of Vanilla Icecream
1 1/2 cups of Graham crumbs
1/4 Cup of melted butter
1 Piece of sweetened baking chocolate

Or buy the Graham cust pre-made.

First mix the Graham crumbs in with the 1/4 cup of melted butter and press it into a 9 inch pie plate (don't forget to wash your hands you filthy animals). Bake it at 350 for 7 minutes or so. Then put it in the freezer while you make the icecream

Next mix the peanut butter and the icecream together till it's smooth. Don't get frustrated while you are stirring, it will mix I swear, just put some elbow grease it there tough guy! Unless you have one of those fancy hand mixers you lazy bastards.

Then scoup the icecream mix into the crust.

Now for the pretty top, you sprinkle on some graham crumbs and then melt the chocolate. Use a spoon and drizzle the chocolate on the top.

Put it in the freezer for a few hours to let it harden again and there you have it!


Friday, December 09, 2005

My First Canon Pic...

Now that I've practiced a bit, I took some interior pics and I thought it appropriate to take a picture of my old crappy Pentax...

So here is Noodle tuning her guitar while the magical Pentax Optio takes the front stage...

Canon Digital Rebel XT

Yippeee!! I just picked up a Canon Digital Rebel XT! I've saved my pennies and now it's paid off. I finally got it! I'm gonna start posting some pictures soon, but I have to learn all the features first so stay tuned! There should be some fun pictures taken with this sucker!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Important Message

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My Friend Larry

I just thought that I'd post a picture up of my good friend Larry. I've known Larry since I was 5 or 6. He's crazy! He's crazy now and he was crazy then. You may think "Why is he wearing a garter on his head?" Well I think in this picture he ended up running into a strangers wedding and ripping off the unsuspecting poor brides garter, strapping it to his head and furiously dancing the best hip-hop dance a white man from Mesachie Lake can. Actually it was probably that he was the best man at a friends wedding and he's just having a good time. Wait, but then...shouldn't he be wearing a tux??

Yes friends, Crazy Larry is what we call him, but we love him anyway.

God bless Crazy Larry, but don't get to close...he's crazy.

Jets Overhead

This is a Victoria band I saw in concert a couple of weeks ago. They opened up for the Dandy Warhols, and in my opinion blew the Dandys out of the water, so I totally suggest you check out their album, Bridges. They performed some great songs at the concert, and the album is solid, the EP they put out is great too.

Jets Overhead

Pop Cap Games...

Are you supposed to be working? Wanting to waste time? Just love stupid online games? Well have I got a site for you. Check out Pop Cap games, it's fun and entertaining, just like me.

Check it out, I like Bejeweled 2! Plus there is a new one called Bonnies Bookstore, and any game with that name must be fantastic!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Craziest Christmas Lights Ever...

Seeings as how the holidays are fast approaching, and because the internet is so great at letting us see what other people around the world are doing. I thought I'd share this little clip...

X-Men 3 Trailer

The X-Men 3 trailer is available for your viewing pleasure. I kinda like how it looks, other people say otherwise, but I think it looks like fun!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Find the Bands!

Virgin has put out a great Ad where-in you're supposed to find the 75 Bands that are in the picture.

Lemme know what you find. That purple wall is driving me mental...

Click the picture to see a bigger version.

Beard and Moustache World Championships...

I thought I'd try and get the word out on this. But there is an official Moutache World Championship. Every two years men from all over the world (possibly ladies-we need equality remember) get together under one roof and duke it out over who has the best beard or moustache! The next one is in Brighton, England -- Saturday, September 1, 2007, so ladies and gentlemen get your beards and moustaches primmed and primed, you too could take home the gold!

For more information check it out here.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tiki Bar TV

A couple of friends have been making a little-known Podcast called Tiki Bar TV. I'm not going to do it any justice by explaining it, but you should really check it out. It's informative AND entertaining all at the same time!!
Number 4 and 9 are my personal favorites, but you need to see the others to really understand the characters. By-pass number one altogether it's a bit slow...

Check them out at the link below, where you can watch all the episodes in technicolor!! (and buy their swag.)


Look at it out there! I don't remember the last time it snowed like this in Vancouver so early in the year. It's not much by the looks of the picture(especially to flatlanders), but it's sticking now! I was supposed to go snowboarding today, but alas, my friends bailed because they said (of all things) it's snowing.

Grrr...If I had a reliable car to take me, I'd be up there! My little Civic isn't really cut out for the snow though, it tends to get a mind of it's own.

I'd be all like, "Hey little buddy shouldn't we be driving over in the right lane?"
And my car would be all like, "No man, I'm taking you off this cliff over here, and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Then I'd be like, "Well stupid little Civic, that's why they put those baricades on the side of the road on mountains, so cars like you don't take their owners off the cliffs."
And my car would be all like, "Fine I'm spinning out of control then!"
And I'd be all like, "FINE!" and it would be like "FINE!" then we'd spin out of control and I'd die, and no-one likes a dead me, or maybe they do, I dunno, but I sure don't.

And that's my story...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Anansi Boys

I've just finished Neil Gaimans latest book 'Anansi Boys' and it was fantastic. Anansi Boys is about the re-uniting of two brothers, whose father happened to be a god. It was a great read I loved every page of it. It was funny, classy and visual. I recommend you check it out if you're into mythical fantasy type stories, or if you can read. Even if you can't read, try on this book. Who knows you might suprise yourself.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

First Post

Well this is the first post I'm putting in my blog. I don't really have much to say today, other than I'm doing this instead of working. But the day is almost done and I don't want want to start something new before I go home(that's me justifying myself).

I'll probably try and post artwork and stuff, but we'll see. This will probably evolve as time goes on.

So hello to anyone who cares and hopefully I can keep this whole Blog thing up and keep it interesting.

Oh and here is a censorship clip that I found very insightful...