Easter is Just around the Corner...
Having easter on the brain and hearing a quote from a friend of mine: "Do you know who the ultimate zombie is? Jesus." It got me thinking, if Bruce Campbell and Jesus were to fight? Who would win?!
Now Jesus, he's a pretty tough mo-fo, plus he's got a lot of followers so he might be able to lay the smack down on Bruce. But then again Bruce has a shotgun, he's tough and has a lot of followers. So I think it'd be a tough match-up though I think in the end, even with all of Jesus' tricks and zombie stuff, nothing says the end of a fight like a shotgun does.
Sorry Jesus, but I think my vote goes to Bruce...
...your thoughts?

Would Campbell be able to go straight to Jesus, or would Jesus have a bodyguard? Someone like... oh, I don't know... Father McGruder?
Bruce Campbell, for sure. He's got the best followers. In fact, I know a couple of them...
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