Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'm an idiot...

Ok, so a couple of days ago, I decide "Hey! I'm gonna paint my dresser black!" So after having some grub and a pint with Kev Gamble, I head out to Home Depot and pick me up a can of black paint. I say to the guy at the counter, "I need black!" so he says to me, "How black?" and I say back to him, "As black is it comes!" so he mixes me up this crazy deep black color. I mean when he opened that can to show me, it was actually sucking the color from the world around us. Anyhow, so I grab my can and head home to paint the shit out of my dresser. I placed the plastic and dropcloth around in my room so as not the muck up the carpet with my brush or roller and I start painting away. I'm so happy with the black as I'm painting commending myself on such a great job, I step back to take a good look at my masterpiece, my butt bumps into something, and I hear a loud THUMP! behind me. I think to myself, what did I have resting behind me that could have been so heavy, there was nothing there before. Then it hit me, the paint can of course! Turning around I see the can of abyssal black pouring onto the floor. Phew thank god for plastic! But then I look closer and it managed to find its way to the exact spot where there was no plastic to be found.

So now boys and girls I have a Blackhole in my carpet. If you want to travel to another galaxy the floor of my bedroom is the place to do it!

I blame booze...


Blogger Sarah said...

ONLY YOU HOPKINS. Only YOU!! I just laughed my freaking ass off at this story. This would only happen to YOU.


I can't wait to come over and travel to another part of the universe! Cool!

12:49 AM  
Blogger CORSIWORLD said...

Gamble is the devil and booze is his weapon of mass trickery. One time we went out for beers, then an hour later I was dead... I blame Gamble and his boozy chicanery!!!!

2:16 PM  

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