
by The Supercrazykid
By gum!! It was his cousin Beero, with Jeeros favorite beer Alexander Keiths!! "I've come with beer to bring christmas cheer!!" Said Beero.
This night just got a whole lot better, thought Jeero!
Right away Jeero cracked open a cold one! This is the life thought Jeero!!
Then Jeero ran up the christmas tree and poked his head out. "Look how small you are from up here Beero!! Shouted Jeero.
Beero told Jeero he was acting crazy and to get down from there! So Jeero climbed down and hugged a present. "I love you present." said Jeero to the present.
Then Jeero ran over to and told Beero how much he loved him. Beero was no-where near as drunk as Jeero. What a light-weight thought Beero.
Then Jeero said "I can hangsh upshide downs, wansha see?"
"That's impossible silly Jeero!" replied Beero.
"Holy Crap would you look at that?!!" said Beero.
Then the night started to get a little fuzzy for Jeero.
Suddenly he felt ill, so he made a mad dash for the bathroom, poor Jeero.
Well, thought Beero, I don't think Jeero will be using his bed tonight, and I'm tired. So Beero fell asleep with a smile on his face dreaming of women and booze.
"Please God, end this misery!" Jeero thought as he hugged the toilet bowl, while everything faded to black.
Merry Christmas from Jeero and Beero!
Dave showed Jeero a Dog!
He was a goofy dog, Jeero thought.
Then Dave showed Jeero a bird!
Jeero likes birds.
Then Jeero told Dave that he could hang upside down!! Dave didn't believe him...
But that Jeero sure showed Dave!
Then something caught Jeeros eye!
A band on the waterfront!! They were playing Jeeros favorite song, Hells Bells, it was a lovely rendition of an old classic Jeero thought.
Then Dave watched as Jeero left for his home in the bushes. Goodbye friend, thought Dave.
Aaah Home! Jeero didn't even miss Dave and he kind of felt bad. Then he forgot all about it as he nestled into his leafy branch and twig home. Jeero thinks he needs a new home.