Home Renno!
Well, it's not huge home renno, but I'm re-doing my bedroom, ripping off crappy crown molding, patching the walls, new paint, baseboards, new dresser and night-stands but I'm also looking at hanging a picture on my wall as well. I took this pic the other day and was pretty happy with it. I've done a bit of color manipulation to give it more of an eerie and interesting look, what do you think, blow it up to be like 2 feet by 3 feet sorta thing with a nice boarder? The thing I like about it is there's so much detail, and when it's viewed larger you can really see it.

Home Reno's should be regulated by the government. Taxed and discouraged. Spoken about only in a hushed tone, beneath ones breath for fear of retribution. And finally... home renovators, do-it-yourselfers should likely be vilified and swiftly extracted from polite company. Only then can i rest in peace...
/ Yeah, i painted the new drywall in our basement tonight. There's more of that coming...
//i've been enjoying seeing your photography Hop. This bit will be grand when enlarged! Go to it.
Ooops. It is so beautiful, I had to say it twice.. hahahh
Although it's a great pic, it seems a little grey, to me. The colour of the frame, and the palette of the room could make or break it.
Maybe it just needs a nice rug. You know, to pull it all together.
I'm gonna do some more work on the pic I think, I want to really punch out the colors of the leaves so it contrasts nicely. My walls are going to be a really light grey color, and the frame is going to be black, so it should stand out nice, I hope...
OH! Take a picture of the room, then photoshop your photo into it! You can make all your decisions VIRTUALLY!
I'm mad with genius!
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